Master of Divinity
Total: 96 semester credit hours (units)
The Master of Divinity program is designed primarily for those who expect to enter the pastoral ministry. It is a three year program and requires 96 semester credit hours (units) including 30 units of Biblical Studies, 24 units of Theological/Historical Studies, 30 units of Practices of Ministry Studies, 6 units of thesis, and 6 units of Christian Spirituality Practice. As many as 18 semester units may be transferred from another institution. The graduates of this program will be eligible for ordination and can work as assistant/associate pastors or Sunday school/youth pastors in local churches.
Program Objectives
Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of Old Testament and New Testament.
Evidence an understanding of the historical development of church and theology
Interpret the Bible and apply it to contemporary life and issues.
Evidence a transformed and disciples life.
Understand and apply biblical ethics/principles into contemporary moral and social issues.
Demonstrate a professional competence for pastoral care, discipleship, leadership development, evangelism, and church growth.
Learning skill and other competencies to be acquired by students
Establish Christian characters and attitudes needed in pastoral ministries.
Attain interpreting methods and skills to correctly understand and apply the Bible to contemporary life and issues.
Acquire a foundational knowledge of Old Testament and New Testament.
Articulate the historical development of church, theology, and missions.
Articulate and apply biblical ethic principles into contemporary contexts.
Degree Requirements
To graduate from the Master of Divinity’s degree program, each student is required to have completed a minimum of 96 semester units and write a thesis project. The completed units can be a combination of transfer credit and course work with a 2.5 GPA and above.
Students must pass the Bible Comprehensive Examination. To pass the Bible Comprehensive Examination, the student must correctly answer a minimum of 100 of the 150 questions (75 from the Old Testament and 75 from the New Testament). To satisfy the graduation requirements, the student must secure the request form to take the examination and submit it 10 days prior to the date of the examination. The examination shall be taken at any regularly scheduled testing period. The student will be allowed to retake the examination as needed.
To complete the program, a thesis project must be submitted and approved by the graduation committee. The student will register for the course titled TP606 Thesis Project during the final year of the program and submit an outline of the thesis for faculty approval. The school will assign an academic supervisor according to the topic of the project. The student will write a thesis project on which the student has been interested and wants to develop further under the guidance of the supervisor. The length of the thesis project will be approximately 50 pages double-spaced. The Thesis Project will meet the writing standards of California Victor University.
Course Title and Level
All courses at the Masters level are numbered 500 - 699. Course descriptions are provided in this catalog.
Successfully complete 96 semester credit hours (units) of the Following coursework with a minimum cumulative Grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale:
Complete required 30 semester credit hours (units) of Biblical Studies
Complete required 24 semester credit hours (units) of Theological/Historical Studies
Complete required 30 semester credit hours (units) of Practices of Ministry Studies
Complete 6 semester credit hours (units) of Christian Spirituality Practice
ass the Bible Comprehensive Examination
Complete 6 semester units of Thesis
Time Limit
The Master of Divinity program must be completed within 6 years from the date of admission.
Curriculum | Column 1 |
Course No. Course Title | Units/Hours |
OT501 Introduction to the Old Testament | 3 units |
NT501 Introduction to the New Testament | 3 units |
HL501 Hebrew | 3 units |
GL501 Greek | 3 units |
HT503 Therapeutics | 3 units |
OT502 Pentateuch | 3 units |
OT503 Prophetic Books | 3 units |
NT502 Gospels | 3 units |
NT503 Romans | 3 units |
NT504 Acts | 3 units |
Theological/Historical Studies: 24 units |
Course No. Course Title | Units/Hours |
TT504 Old Testament Theology | 3 units |
TT505 New Testament Theology | 3 units |
CH501 Church History | 3 units |
ST502 Systematic Theology I | 3 units |
ST503 Systematic Theology II | 3 units |
NT505 Pauline Theology | 3 units |
ST504 Christian Ethics | 3 units |
CH502 History of Missions | 3 units |
Practices of Ministry Studies: 30 units |
Course No. Course Title | Units/Hours |
SF532 Spiritual Formation | 3 units |
IE502 Evangelism | 3 units |
TM504 Theology of Mission | 3 units |
CT506 Church Growth | 3 units |
ID514 Leadership Development | 3 units |
MT503 Theology of Ministry | 3 units |
HT504 Homiletic | 3 units |
EM520 Educational Ministry | 3 units |
PM501 Worship and Liturgy | 3 units |
PM502 Counseling Ministry | 3 units |
Chapel Spirituality: 6 units |
PT591-596 Christian Spirituality Practice I - VI | (six 1 hour unit) |
Thesis: 6 units |
TP606 Thesis Project | 6 units |
Course Description
OT501 Introduction to the Old Testament (3 units)
An introductory study of the text, canon, foundation, and conclusions of modern historical-critical methods; special introduction of each Old Testament book.
NT502 Introduction to the New Testament (3 units)
An introductory study of the historical background of the New Testament including the formation, history, extent, and transmission of the canon. Includes a special introduction to each New Testament book.
GL501 Greek (3 units)
A study of the exegetic ally significant categories of Greek grammar and the resources available for understanding these categories; attention is given to significant New Testament texts involving grammatical questions and to the place of grammar in exegesis.
HL501 Hebrew (3 units)
A study of the exegetic ally significant categories of Hebrew grammar and the resources available for understanding these categories; attention is given to significant Old Testament texts involving grammatical questions and to the place of grammar in exegesis.
HT503 Therapeutics (3 units)
A study of the principles for sound interpretation and application of the Bible, including analysis of presuppositions, general rules and specialized principles for the various biblical genre and phenomena.
NT 504 ACTS (3 units)
This course chronicles the characters and events in the book of Acts to study the early development of the Christian church from its Jewish base to the inclusion of all peoples. The lives of the apostle Peter and apostle Paul set the background for studies of the General Epistles and Pauline Epistles.
ST 504 Christian Ethics (3 units)
Christian ethics is the serious study of matters of good and evil, right and wrong, from the vantage point of Jesus Christ, Holy Scripture, and the Church. In this perspective . . . What constitutes good, virtuous, healthy character (for individuals, churches and other social groups)? How do we discern and do the right thing in the face of various ethical dilemmas and quandaries? How do Christian moral values play out in a diverse, multicultural, multi faith world? How do individuals, churches, and schools teach and promote moral character and action?
NT 502 Gospels (3 units)
Topical and exegetical studies are made in the Synoptic and/or Johan nine gospels with emphasis on important theological concepts and great events in the life of Christ, such as the Messianic consciousness of Jesus, His miracles, and His parabolic teachings.
CH502 History of Missions (3 units)
A survey of the modern missionary movement from its inception with William Carey in the late 18th century to the present. Its roots prior to Carey will also be extensively explored. Emphasis in the course will be on major personalities and organizations.
NT505 Pauline Theology (3 units)
An introduction to both the primary and secondary literature related to Paul’s theology, with the
focus on conversion and revelation, Israel and the law, anthropology, christology, bacteriology,
anesthesiology, ethics, and eschatology.
OT502 Pentateuch (3 units)
This course is designed to introduce the student to the historical, literary, and theological interpretation of the Pentateuch. It will begin with an overview of the critical issues surrounding the Pentateuch and its individual books, followed by focused study of several so-called “problem passages” that have presented interpretive difficulties.
This course provides an introduction to both the “former” and “latter” prophetic books of the Hebrew canon. It will focus on the historical context, language, literary structure, poetics, and theology of this literature. In addition, the course will strengthen students’ exegetical skills, with a specific focus on handling narrative and prophetic texts. Finally, it will equip students with tools for making the Old Testament prophetic literature accessible and helpful to others.
NT503 ROMANS (3 units)
As he prepared for his last, fateful journey to Jerusalem, Paul sent the Roman churches a summary and defense of his controversial preaching. More than any other New Testament document, it is this letter to the Romans that has gone on to shape the thought of key leaders like Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and Barth. In this course we will trace the argument of Paul's letter, setting it in the context of his mission and the realities of the Roman church. Along the way we will explore the radical theological and ethical vision Paul developed, and we will examine some of the very different ways in which Paul's readers have understood that vision.
PM501 Worship and Liturgy (3 Units)
This course provides a framework for thinking together about vital and faithful Christian worship by exploring the Biblical and theological foundations of worship, reviewing the ways the church’s praise has been shaped over the centuries, and analyzing today’s worship spectrum. Key elements in the practice and leadership of worship will be explored including the ordering of worship, the role of prayer and music, and models of collaborative worship planning.
SF532 Spiritual Formation (3 units)
A study of the believer’s spiritual formation including principles for spiritual growth and discipline.
TT504 Old Testament Theology (3 units)
A theological approach to the Old Testament which includes key themes from the text and ideas of influential theologians. An in-depth study which includes key writers, themes, and a selection of Old Testament literature.
TT505 New Testament Theology (3 units)
A theological approach to the New Testament which includes major themes from the text and key ideas from influential theologians. An in-depth study which includes key writers, themes, and a selection of New Testament literature.
CH501 Church History (3 units)
A survey of the history of the Church ranging from its New Testament foundations to the apostolic age, middle ages, reformation era, and including the contemporary events of significance.
ST502 Systematic Theology I (3 units)
Theology, anthropology, and Christology. This introductory systematic theology course focuses on the basic doctrines of God and Trinity, revelation and Scriptures, creation and providence, the fall and sin.
ST503 Systematic Theology II (3 units)
Bacteriology, anesthesiology and eschatology. The course focuses upon the doctrines of divine election and divine calling, regeneration, repentance, faith, justification, adoption, and sanctification.
IE502 Evangelism (3 units)
An introduction to the communication of the Christian faith in personal and congregational spheres.
IS504 Theology of Mission (3 units)
A comprehensive study of theological concepts which have shaped the Christian missionary movement from its inception.
CT506 Church Growth (3 units)
The historical development of the church growth movement as well as basic principles and procedures for church growth.
ID514 Leadership Development (3 units)
This course explores the nature of Christian leadership development. Leadership emergence theory is a grounded theory derived from the comparative study of many life histories of biblical, historical, and contemporary leaders.
MT503 Theology of Ministry (3 units)
A study of the theology of ministry including the conduct of worship, liturgy, hymnbook, parish responsibilities and procedures, church administration, community relations, and ministerial ethics.
HT504 Homiletic (3 units)
A course designed to teach students the principles of sermon preparation. Topics studied include the development of an outline, the use of exegesis, illustration, application and effective introductions and conclusions. Among the sermons students must write will be at least one on the imperative to bring the Gospel message to a needy world.
EM520 Educational Ministry (3 units)
A study of the church’s educational ministry including its historical, philosophical, and theological foundations. The emphasis is on the application and understanding of the local church educational ministry.
IM523 Immigrant Ministry: A Case Study (3 units)
A study of the ministry and history of the immigration Korean Church.
PM 502 Counseling Ministry (3 units)
This course introduces student to theories and methods of general pastoral care and counseling in congregations. Emphasis is on the pastor’s identity and work as care giver and as leader of a caring community of faith. General methods, theories, and principles are considered in relation to critical problems that pastors commonly encounter in their congregations, such as illness, death, grief, marriage and family problem, alcohol addiction, as well as to the care-giving dimensions of public worship and preaching and the ongoing life and work of the congregation.
PT591-596 Christian Spirituality Practice I –VI (1 unit of each)
This course is designed to develop students’ spirituality by their attendance at and participation in chapel services.
TP606 Thesis Project (6 units)
This course requires students to initiate, implement, and evaluate an in-depth ministry project. To begin this project, students must submit a proposal to an advisor.