Master of Business Administration
Total: 42 semester credit hours (units)
The Masters of Business Administration at our California Victor University is a two year program that is designed to introduce students to various branches of business such as accounting, human resources, marketing, management, strategy, and etc. Our MBA program is designed to help those develop their communication and oral skills so that they will be able to apply their skills in real-world competencies. MBA is usually interdisciplinary because it requires for the student to use their knowledge from fields other than business such as, psychology and sociology. Therefore, students who are willing to pursue their studies in MBA will require motivation and time commitment for successful course completion. The course of study provides a balanced approach to the art and science of management and informs the individual how to manage through given information. The employment opportunities for the graduates of this program include accountants, company managers, and finance analysts, and insurance specialists.
Students enrolled in the degree program shall be required to study at least one academic year or 25% of the credit hours at the CVU.
First Year Graduate Core: (Waived with an undergraduate business degree) | 9 units |
Second Year: (Required for all MBA students) | 18 units |
Concentrations | 9 units |
Master’s Thesis or Comprehensive exam | 6 units |
Total | 42 units |
First Year Graduate Pre-Requisite Core: 9 units |
6 units Waived with an Undergraduate Business Degree |
Course No Course Title | Units/Hours |
BMN 501 Graduate Management Theory & Practice | 3 units |
BMK 501 Graduate Marketing | 3 units |
BMSI 585 Graduate Business Statistics | 3 units |
Required of All MBA Students |
Course No Course Title | Units/Hours |
BACC501 Graduate Principles and Procedures of Financial Accounting | 3 units |
BECO501 Graduate Economic Analysis | 3 units |
BFI 501 Graduate Financial Theory & Policy | 3 units |
BMN520 Graduate Production & Management System Analysis & Development | 3 units |
BMN 592 Graduate Strategic Planning & Management | 3 units |
BMIS 502 Graduate Computers & Management Information Systems | 3 units |
Master's Thesis or Comprehensive Studies/Exam: 6 units |
Course No Course Title | Units/Hours |
MBAT599A Directed Graduate Research | 3 units |
MBAT599B Master's Thesis or | 6 units |
MBAC599A Comprehensive Studies | 3 units |
MBAC599B Graduate Comprehensive Examination | 3 units |
BMN 501 Graduate Management Theory & Practice (3 Units)
Covers various management approaches, including recent, emerging, and anticipated developments. Focuses critical attention on relevant theory, research, and practice; facilitates the development of analytical and research skills to encourage further contributions to the field; and identifies important and current employee issues for application of existing and future management knowledge.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.
BMK 501 Graduate Marketing (3 units)
Covers issues in marketing policy, develops management knowledge and skills to address them, and identifies recent and anticipated environmental developments which relate to marketing.
Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.
BMSI 585 Graduate Business Statistics (3 units)
Emphasizes analyzing data, interpreting the output and utilizing skills to effectively apply statistical techniques to the design and evaluation of research regarding business practice. Included are the knowledge and skills to select statistical procedures appropriate to a research task and design, and the performance of accurate calculations in applying them. Covers concepts and techniques regarding problems, case studies, data analysis and the interpretation of computer output via Minitab and excel.
Summaries using Descriptive Measures & Probability Concepts
Discrete Probability Distributions
Continuous Probability Distributions
Statistical Inference and Sampling
Testing for the Mean and Variance of a Population
Inference Procedures for Two Populations
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Applications of the Chi-Square Statistic
Correlation and Simple Linear Regression
Quantitative Business Forecasting
BACC 501 Graduate Principles and Procedures of Financial Accounting (3 units)
Detailed examination of standard financial accounting, including major financial statements, double-entry accounting method, accrual and cash accounting, and specific analysis of assets, liabilities, and owner's equity accounts.
BECO 501 Advanced Economic Analysis (3 units)
This course develops an overview of economics theory for analyzing managerial operations. This course will analyze customer behavior, demand functions and elasticity of demand, demand estimation, elementary techniques and multiple regression analyses, forecasting, measurement of production functions, costs, and profit. This course will further examine planning and control, pricing-output-and non-price competition in different market structures, the economic role of government, and capital budgeting-financial policy. Finally this course provides the necessary statistical tools to empirically analyze a business/industry for optimal managerial decision making.
BFI 501 Graduate Financial Theory & Policy (3 Units)
Directs critical attention to financial theory, focuses on its direct application to business analysis and management, and covers a wide range of financial concepts.
BMN 520 Graduate Production & Management Systems Analysis & Development (3 Units)
This course identifies key production problems, including planning, scheduling, layout, and control; applies the system approach to their resolution; and includes recent developments, such as decision analysis and large-scale modeling.
BMN 592 Graduate Strategic Planning & Management (3 Units)
Introduction to methods for maximizing competitiveness in the industrial and macroscopic environment. Focuses on the importance of, key issues reflected in and effective methods for, corporate goal formulation, internal and external analysis, business and corporate level strategy, and supportive organizational structures, processes, and systems. Includes case analyses. Assignments include analysis, evaluation, and if needed, modification or design of strategy for existing company, deliverable as a term project as well as consultant report to client.
BMIS 502 Graduate Computers & Management Information Systems (3 units)
An introduction to the study and practice of information systems management. The objective is to facilitate students’ understanding of the structure, development, and management of information systems that can support a wide range of organizational functions at various levels with a view to develop a capability to analyze and/or to design an information system to satisfy business needs. Component parts of the information system are studied, together with the interactions between such components.
The discussion assumes logical reasoning to be the core of conceptualization. Thus, much of the material covered appears to be a re-statement of common sense logic, which in fact it is. You will frequently observe formalized statements of natural reasoning in the context of computer operations and information systems structure and application.
Concentrations: 9 units
Students may earn concentrations by taking the equivalent of at least three three-unit elective courses in one of the following areas:
International Business
Strategic Management
Human Resources and Organizational Development
Concentration courses are generally taught using the one-on-one tutorial model. Students shall consult the MBA chair to determine a particular area for study and receive academic guidance. Concentration courses are generally taken as an independent study.
MBAT 599A Directed Graduate Research (3 units)
The purpose of this course is to teach the student how to apply research methods in their Master’s Thesis. This includes selecting a research problem, developing a thesis proposal, as well as instruction on the completion of a thesis after the topic has been approved by the thesis advisor and the thesis committee.
Various kinds and types of research will be studied. Systems for gathering and reporting data as well as statistical processing of data will be covered.
Students will develop a Final Project, consisting of a preliminary proposal for Thesis Committee Approval and development of the first three chapters of the thesis.
MBAT 599B Master’s Thesis (6 units)
Guidance to assist graduate students in the writing of the thesis following thesis writing guidelines. The thesis will demonstrate the student’s ability to clearly define a significant problem; investigate a problem; then organize and logically present data; draw defensible conclusions and make recommendations.
MBAC 599A Directed Comprehensive Studies (3 units)
Instruction to assist graduate students in the research of a series of topics for faculty-prepared comprehensive questions covering subject areas studied during the student’s graduate program. Students will conduct their research using the scientific method. Various kinds and types of research will be studied. Systems for gathering and reporting data as well as statistical processing of data will be covered.
MBAC 599B Graduate Comprehensive Examination (3 units)
Guidance to assist graduate students in the preparation of the topics in readiness for the exam questions. The examination itself will be of 3 hour duration and consist of writing selected questions under proctored supervision, according to rigorous guidelines.