California Victor University is an institution of higher education that educates and equips students to become Business Administration professional leaders so that they can effectively serve and lead in the global society.
California Victor University is open to everyone regardless of race, color, gender, nationality, ethnic origin, or personal religious commitment. The Office of Admissions compiles applicant’s academic records and forwards the files for admission committees to review. California Victor believes and aims for raising leaders with workmanship, character, and intelligence toward the 21st century.
In the rapid wave of the world, California Victor University aims to follow the trend by:
Educating the future leaders to lead the 21st century,
Raising specialized consultants for the modern era.
To fulfill this mission, California Victor University is committed to accomplishing the following objectives.
Provide a strong foundation in Christian faith and values.
Develop appropriate perspectives of viewing the world and society in students by providing diverse learning experiences.
Equip students to critically evaluate diverse problems and positions.
Provide relevant knowledge and skills essential for students’ chosen field of study and their career and personal success.
Retain qualified faculty with appropriate academic credentials and professional experience to enhance student learning.
Provide effective administrate services for a safe, comfortable, and engaging learning atmosphere.
Provide an appropriate environment and resource necessary for students in support of learn personal growth, and career development.
California Victor University is committed to fulfilling these objectives with dedicated and highly qualified faculty, administrators and staff. The University’s excellent programs assist students in outdo in their future professions by providing essential information and skills for their chosen field of study. The institution’s detailed objectives for each program are as follows.
California Victor University currently offers the following programs:
Bachelor of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration
Doctor of Business Administration
Ascertain biblical values and ethics in business.
Articulate the nature of domestic/global economics and markets.
Effectively communicate and work in team environments.
Articulate administration and management principles, strategies, and methods.
Demonstrate knowledge and skills of accounting and finance.
Understand and apply leadership theories and skills in business organizations.